Sunday, September 30, 2012

Oh No, Not Again!

Oh No, Not Again!

How Do We Sin?
Sin, missing the mark, we all do it. We think things, do things, say things that displease God, that go against His commands and guidelines. We are disobedient and rebellious. Sometimes. Not all the time, though.

Other times, probably most of the time, our hearts are turned towards God, if we claim we are Christians. We deeply desire to obey God, to make Him proud of us, to follow His ways because we know they are in our best interest. Oh, that my heart would always be tuned into God, synched with what His heart desires. But it’s not.

At my advanced age, some of the most obvious sins are not real problems for me. I’ve never murdered anyone, though I have seriously disliked people. I don’t steal from people I know or from stores or banks.

I have no other Gods before The Lord God, but I can put my own desires before His. I don’t bow to any graven images, but I sure do love my smart phone.  Raise your hand if you can relate.

The issue of sin is on my mind regularly though. I am conscious of the ways I grieve the Lord. I notice, a bit too late, when my attitude is wrong, or my words come out sharp and cutting. A few years ago, I had a focus in my life of trying to seek out my deeper motivation. When I felt like being critical of someone, what was I really feeling? Was I unconsciously comparing myself to her? Was I feeling lacking or overly superior? What motivated my thoughts? Doing all that soul searching on a regular basis can bring some ugly things to the surface. It sure did for me and some surprises as well.

Still in Need
The first letters of the word sin can make out a nifty little phrase:
I am still in need of a savior. So are you. No matter how long we have been believers, no matter how many Bible studies we have been in, how many church services we have attended, no matter how many prayers we cried, we are still lacking, still in need of Jesus to clean us and forgive us and set us back on the right path to godliness.

I became a believer in October 1976. That makes me 38 years old,( spiritually speaking. One would think that at 38, I would have achieved some sort of gold star status, on my way to perfection, couple of trophies and crowns on my mantel.  But no, we don’t ever really reach perfection. Actually, as disappointing as it seems, the older I get, the less sure I am of some things I was certain of in my younger years and the more flaws I see in myself.

My Prayer
“Lord Jesus, we are so messed up, us humans. And to think that you care for us, each one of us, so much. I can’t even begin to understand how you suffered and died for me, for me? Why me God? You know my weaknesses, you know how I long to be better than I actually am. You know the struggles I face, the thoughts I battle, the attitudes I can’t seem to control. How could you love me so much that you would sacrifice for me? What? You say you love me? You hear how I long to be righteous, how I long to please you? You know I can’t be good enough on my own, but you know my heart, you hear my desire for you? Oh, my Lord, I guess that’s why you said that man looks on the outside of a person, but you look at our hearts.  Thank you. Really, truly, thank you. Once again, I give you my heart, my soul, my whole being, flaws and all. Take me and change me to reflect your image. Amen. “

1 comment:

  1. My pastor once said, we know we are Christians if our Spirit dislikes what our flesh likes. In other words, we may well sin, but we hate that we do. Unbelieving folks have no such conflict.
