Thursday, February 7, 2013

What Should I Do Now?

Why am I here on this earth? Why did God make me and what does He have for me to do? Everyone needs to feel valuable and to have a reason to exist. I think our purpose can change over the years as we live and grow and develop skills and wisdom. The different seasons of our lives can lead us into new directions. So how do I know what my purpose is for now?

I remember taking quizzes which try to identify skills and interests and direct one into a path. For example, there was a survey that I took in high school which was meant to guide my career choices. One of the top results for me was embalmer or mortician. Really? What high school senior would choose that path based on a survey? I did not, although, I may have been good at it.  As a young church going person in my 20's, I took quizzes which would identify the ministry gifts that could use. I didn’t really need a survey to tell me what I was already doing, but I suppose some people may have needed that.

More often, I tended to get sidetracked by what I saw others doing. If one of my friends was heavily involved in an area of ministry, then I would feel compelled to be a part of that. Or if the church announced a need which required able and willing bodies to participate, I would volunteer. Yet, after a while I would become frustrated and maybe bored or pressured to do the work. My intentions to help were good, but my heart was not in it. I was just trying to fill a need.

What Has God Called You to Do?
I just read an article by Daniel Kolenda in the January/February 2013 issue of Ministry Today magazine. He writes about grace, that God will give us the grace to do what he is calling us to do. He says there are two lessons: 1.” Don’t make the mistake of trying to force those around you to do what God has called you to do.  And don’t look down on them for doing something other than what you think is so important.” and lesson 2. “If you think everyone should be doing one particular thing, chances are that is what you are called to do!”

This makes so much sense. God has so many areas that are important and even urgent. I know people who have a strong heart for missions, evangelism, prayer, stopping abortion, nutrition, adoption, healing, biblical equality, financial stewardship, feeding the poor, etc. Each is a vital and essential part of the heart of God for us. If there is an opportunity to support those areas by financial means or by learning about it, or even participating in an activity, I think we should try to do what we can to forward the cause in the kingdom of God. But imagine if we had to dive in, wholeheartedly, for every good thing! We could not keep it up because we would be exhausted; it would be a divided focus and we couldn’t possibly give our best to any one thing.

Our Attitude Matters
Daniel Kolenda makes two very good points. First, our attitude about others is to not be critical. We have to accept that everyone has their own special calling and God will give them the grace to follow what He has equipped them to do.  It’s really easy to judge other people or to pick up an attitude because they didn’t attend our special event, or class, or volunteer for our project. I confess that I have done that.  I need to remember that God does the drawing of their hearts, not me doing the pushing of their guilt.

His second point is that we need to pay attention to what God has called each of us individually to do. What do I think needs to be done? What is God laying on my heart to do? Once I take the time to figure it out, then I have found what’s my job. That’s how I know what direction to go into.

What SHAPE are You In?
In that same Ministry Today issue, there was an article by Erik Rees about the S.H.A.P.E. tool used at many churches to help determine someone’s role or purpose. I found online assessment tools that use these five areas to help you find your way. This takes into account the following areas:

  • ·        Spiritual Gifts: A set of special abilities that God has given you to share His love and serve others.
  • ·        Heart: The special passions God has given you so that you can glorify Him on earth.
  • ·        Abilities: The set of talents that God gave you when you were born, which He also wants you to use to make an impact for Him.
  • ·        Personality: The special way God wired you to navigate life and fulfill your unique Kingdom Purpose.
  • ·        Experiences: Those parts of your past, both positive and painful, which God intends to use in great ways.

In thinking about myself (and sharing without too much detail), I find that I like to organize things. I have skills in planning and I have developed computer skills which help in that area. I have a heart for women, to build relationships with each other. I like to be around people. I am not overly shy. I’ve been through some things that have shaped my outlook. I can review all of these things and realize that I like to organize events, parties, get-togethers. I feel like God can use me to help people connect in relationships. This is just one aspect of how God can use me, based on examining characteristics from this model.

Yes, this takes some work and introspection to see what your purpose is. So, we need to do some of this to see what God is saying. Of course, we bathe all of this in prayer. If we ask Him, He will show us what we are to do next in our lives.

Comparing Kills Passion
I know some people do not believe they have gifts or a purpose. Or they haven’t
figured out what to do in this next season of life. Some have a lack of confidence to step out in the area of their calling. We have to stop comparing ourselves with others.  I’m never going to be like someone else. Neither are you. You are who you are. When we compare, we find ourselves lacking. Then we do not have motivation to do what we are called to do because we view ourselves as a failure. Not true. We just are not called to be that other person. God has a success for you, He is not setting you up to fail. Now quit comparing and get on with your life.

Take a Step
What should we do while we are waiting to see what we should do? We start doing. We stay active. We volunteer for things, get involved, try out different areas. God will show you where He wants your heart.  He may even place you somewhere and you may not want to be there, but He can give you a heart for it.  God is amazingly creative and He doesn’t work the same way for each of us.

I do know that He has things for you to do, things for me to do. God has two main commandments: to love God and to love people. Whatever we do has to involve both of these. We have a purpose, and usually that purpose is to touch other people, to be a representative of the God of Love to those around us.

Are you currently searching for your path? Are you comfortable with what you are doing now? How do you know what God has for you right now? 


  1. Great article and great writing! It is so important that we each seek God's plan for OUR lives and then just walk in faith, trusting Him to tweak our understanding of "the plan" as we go. Well done Linda! This should be an encouragement and guide for many!

  2. I think my comment timed out or disappeared. I will check back and right a new one if it doesn't magically appear from cyber space. :) Love your blog!!

  3. OK.. I guess I definitely lost that one. So I'm gonna try again. :) I have a new thought on this topic--maybe actually it is a very old thought that I newly discovered in the past few years. My thought is this- If we are abiding in Christ-- we will naturally produce fruit, be fulfilling his purpose. :) I've just started reading Martin Luther on Good Works-- got it on my Kindle... one of the first things he points out is that the Jews had asked Jesus what they should be doing to do the works of God, and Jesus said: This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him Whom He hath sent.

    For some reason it just totally clicked with me. I think we live our lives choosing what works well for us--based on our beliefs but also based on what we are good at and what what opportunity we have and what we WANT to do.

    I started to make little things out of wool but my hands were hurting so I changed and was making things from wood using a scrollsaw I had and my artsy side. In time it began to make a way for me to learn a lot of things and to cultivate some friendships and to be a part of an active entrepreneur situation where most of the buyers are young women and almost none are really interested in religion per se... so interestingly, there does seem to be something here that not only is something I enjoy doing (although things still hurt) but it is a potential 'field' as well. Anyhow it is teaching me more than anything. So.. I didn't know what God's purpose was when I started, I just was empty nested, grieving my mom and feeling sick & depressed, and stepped out to cultivate a little hobby, and somehow it came together in a nice way for me. So I guess my thought basically is-- you have time now, do what you want to do! If its not God's will He is more than able to shoo you to a different door. :)

    1. Right. The important thing is to do things. You will usually never know by sitting and waiting for a letter from God to drop in your lap. "Your mission, should you choose to accept it...".
